Spring 2023
The past Venue "Panama Hattie's" has re-opened under the name CRABBIE'S. New Owners, and I will be playing there the 1st Friday of each month through the summer!
After some time and thought, I have decided to once again do wedding ceremonies and wedding cocktail hour. I am very excited about this because i have such a fittng repertoire for both of these type venues set up. I will be putting up more information on the website soon. I am accepting bookings NOW. Email me at for booking information.
February/ March 2023
Looking for some new venues here in St. Augustine. Been taking it easy to start this new year, aside from a short trip to Las Vegas! About twenty of us decided to make the trip and it was a blast! No i did not come home a big winner but that's ok. Looking foward to Spring and will post when new venues are scheduled.
© 2017 VJSurfandMusic Productions